Friday, June 6, 2008

Grimsby fishing with Norseman and JubeJube, June 6, 2008

Managed to get out for short trip with John Poirier and Peter Hansen out of Foran's. The winds were moderate out of the south west, but being off shore, we decided to run the shoreline east before angling out. While running we marked bait regularly in shallow < 30 FOW. We started to set-up outside the bait in 50 FOW and angled out. We marked plenty in shallow and usually in the top 25 feet in the water column. When we reached 70 FOW we had our first hit. Slide Diver on 4 setting with Warrior Dragon Slayer

back 70 feet and the diver out 70 feet. Rainbow was about 6 bls and went in the box. We opened the belly up and it was FULL. Flys, one large alewife and one emerald shiner. Fresh kills.

When we reached 80 FOW we started to mark more around the bottom and we lowed the riggers and one wire diver to deeper depths. Wire diver set at 3 and out 220 feet with ProChip 8 Michigan Stinger colour DieHard with ATOMMIK Hoover fly takes a rip, but was gone when the rod was touched. Riggers didn't go at all at 80 to 120 feet down.

Full Core off the boards with Warrior Chicken Wing

takes the next fish and it takes a run like a freight train. Got it to the boat and it weighed 20.7 lbs on the scale. Back int he drink it goes.

Time to move things up. Rigger comes up to 45 feet and shortly there after it hits a small chinook at 5 lbs. Warrior Green Monkey Puke with Glow back. Modified slightly with Mountain dew ladder and Silver ladder on the face of the spoon and the cup of the spoon was spray painted red on the hook end. In the box the fish went and checked its stomach and found it stuffed with three large adult alewife, fresh eats once more. No wonder the magnum sized spoons are working.

The winds at Grimsby were not where we were. We had flat water and the flies were unreal! John's boat was covered.

Adrian also was out and managed a big Rainbow.

Shane Thombs

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