Friday, July 2, 2010

Grimsby Grand Slam Sudbury Style, July 2, 2010

Glen and Paul drove down from Sudbury after anxiously waiting this spring for good weather conditions, good fishing and open schedules. Finally the stars were aligned for there chance to do battle with some salmon and trout from Lake Ontario .

Our morning started bright and early, 5:30 am departure from Foran’s Marina in Grimsby . Blue skies and a rising son on the eastern horizon made a picture perfect start to our day. Winds were light at 10 – 15 km out of the West Southwest.

We motored out to 100 FOW just east of the weather marker and began setting lines. On the downriggers one rod had a Frog on Chrome Spin Doctor and Green Hammer Glow Atommik Tournament fly set with a 30 ft lead and sent down to 60 ft on the starboard side. The other rigger was sent down 50ft with a 50 ft lead using a Mountain Dew/crushed Glow on white Spin Doctor and MC Rocket that I had custom coloured with magic marker.

#2 Rocket with a black back and red gill accents put into a Big Eye Challenger clear head. Set the role to just turn on it’s own by putting a very slight bend on the Rocket.

Next rod to put out was wire diver Blue Dolphin Walker Deeper Diver 107 on 3 setting and out 140ft towing a Green Dolphin Spin Doctor with Green Hammer Fly (leader length 18 inches from nose to knot).
I was letting it out when the Port side Rigger with the MC Rocket snaps out of position and shows signs of our first king to hook up.
Paul was up first and he was stoked when he heard the drag sing. Moments later the Wire diver takes a crushing strike and the wire line is buzzing off the roller rod. Glen is handed that rod and both are at the back of he boat laughing away. Who needs a morning coffee when you have a double on kings first thing?

Meanwhile on the Port side of the boat we had time to put another diver rod down while the two fish were still pulling line. I grabbed the diver that was planned to have been set on the starboard side, but the back of the boat was a little crowded to do so. Change the diver’s keel weighted dial to a 3 and the braided Green Metallic 107 Walker Deeper Diver with a NBK Spin Doctor with a Hammer Fly (leader length of 22 inches from nose to knot).

Glen’s fish was coming in first and we boated it. 14lbs 10oz tagged it #1483 and it contained an adipose fin. Then Paul’s Fish comes to the boat and we put the net under that fish. 12lbs even and tagged with # 1485.

While photos were taken, I re-arrange and put the wire diver on the starboard side on a 3 setting and out 150 ft. I was interrupted with another rip on the port side braid diver that showed signs of another king. Glen's turn again and this was yet another drag peeling powerful fish.
While Paul was fighting that fish I set a slide diver and added a spoon Glen picked out, a Chicken Wing Warrior Mag size spoon. It was set back 70 ft then the diver clicked in place and then out 140 on a 4 setting. Also set the rigger up again with the Rocket.

The wire diver goes again and this time it’s a Lake Trout. Then the slide diver that was just set, starts to shake. John grabbed that rod until we netted and tagged Paul’s fish that weighed 16 lbs 6 oz. Tag # 1481. Triple header!
Paul quickly brings in the small fish on the slide diver , but when we get it in the net we were surprised to find an Atlantic Salmon. A rare catch indeed! 20 ½ inches long in total length.
Time to set rods again, We haven’t had four rods in the water yet in the first hour and a half, but after a quick set-up we were up to six rods at 7:40 am.

The rigger set with Frog on Chrome Spin Doctor and glow green Hammer was silent all morning down 60 ft but finally takes a shot. Paul jumps to his feet and grabs the rod. The fish swam towards the boat and the surface and Paul quickly made up line. The was not 30 feet behind the boat with nothing but white water and a big Chinooks head thrashing back and forth. Everyone in the boat said ‘WOW that’s a big fish”. Then the fish dove at the back of the boat going straight down. The line was peeling off the reel and Paul yelled in surprise of the power in the fish. Then the main line broke. Ahhhh.

Full core was put out and it took no time to fire. Glen manages to bring in the Rainbow at 4 lbs. OK- time to make the Grand Slam. Rigger down 80 ft over 100 FOW and a fat Lake Trout takes a Fish-on Fly behind a Mountain dew NBK Spin Doctor. GRAND SLAM complete.

But that wasn't were it would end. Paul catch's his personal best King at 26 lbs.
16 for 21 was the day's end count. It was great having Paul and Glen on board!!! Here's some more pictures...

Shane Thombs

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